Thursday, April 25, 2024

What To Do with a Cane?

As you saw in my last post, I made a BIG cane - big for me, anyway. So then the question arises - what to do with it? I plan on using it as the veneer sheet on a box or vessel, but right now I'm in the midst of making things for the gallery, so don't have time to make a box. Instead, I've used some of the ends and a few slices to experiment with making the cane into a square shape. Then I used the shape to make a few items. Here are the resuts.

Monday, April 22, 2024

An Arabesque Cane

Last weekend, I took an 8-hour online workshop with Jana Roberts Benzon. As you know from other posts on this blog, I simply love Jana - her ideas, her presentations, her manner, and the way she gently guides us through all the steps to both understand and be able to create some lovely work. We worked pretty solidly for the 8 hours with a couple of meal breaks - and emerged with a polymer cane. One cane you ask? Yes - and it was worth every minute to learn her tips and tricks and put them into practice ourselves.
So, here is my cane. It's 3 inches on each side, and about 3 inches long. The following photos were made after I reduced the cane to a bit more than 1" on each side, took slices, and assembled them in different ways to see patterns develop. Really fun! Now to use the cane in projects!