Sunday, January 20, 2019

Playing with Pebeo Paints

You may have heard about the new Pebeo paints.  They're unique in that they retract, distend and intertwine to create unique and interesting designs.  I decided I needed to give them a try. These paints are very compatible with polymer, so I didn't need to prepare the clay in any special way.  There are 2 types that interact, Fantasy Prisme and Fantasy Moon.  The Prisme paint makes interesting bubbles and swirls while the Moon paint makes a more linear design.  I made a couple of different sets, one with narrow borders and white bases wrapped in black.  The other set had thicker borders that matched the background of the base.  The set at the left shows a mixture of both the Prisme and Moon paints. The pendant in the silver frame is all Prisme.  The pendant in copper is all Moon, and the pendant in the gold frame is a combination of the two.    As you can see, the results are really different, and very interesting.

The pendants in the photo below were all done with Prisme paints.  I swirled the paints in the two larger pieces in the back and left the paint to just "do its thing" on the pieces in the front.  It's fun to watch the paints shift and move.  A certain amount of control is possible on terms of placing colors in various spots, but the movement of the paint still seems to be to some degree independent of what you do.

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