Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Floral Brooches

More florals, yes, I know. I'm stuck on flowers right now  - and thoroughly enjoying it, so it must be a good thing. :)  They're all a bit different. Some may resemble real flowers from our gardens, others are just my interpretation of what a flower could be.  The colors are all mine.  This first set shows 3 very different pieces.  All but the yellow/coral piece are pin/pendant convertibles.  I like the idea of giving someone the flexibility of wearing a piece as a necklace or a brooch.  This just creates a lot more options.
The next piece reminds me of gladiolus.  Given all the colors they come in, I figured my mix probably exists "out there" somewhere.  This piece originally was supposed to be an off-center necklace, but the wire I was using was too soft to handle the weight of the clay. So, the piece became a pin.  I'll try my idea again when I find something less flexible for a base.

Here is another variation on a starburst I first tried a few weeks ago.  For some reason, this particular design created with this particular cane almost looks like it's in motion.  I really like this design.

Finally, here is another of my "special" triangular shaped flowers I developed one day while playing with petal shapes.  The blends and fades from yellow to violet really makes this piece come alive.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Marlene! It's so nice to hear from you. As you can tell, I'm really enjoying 3-D. By the way, I "dropped by" your site - love your free-form peyote! It's so creative!
