We're looking at changes everywhere these days, and it appears that I'm going to be facing a major change with my blog. Blogger, the company that provides this online avenue for individuals to create their own blogs, has decided to update their software. The change is designed to make the blogs developed with Blogger to be easier to view on cell phones and tablets. They are also adding a few new bells and whistles, and have given everyone using Blogger a chance to try out the new format to see how it works.
Sadly, I have been unable to use the new platform. My trusty - still working just fine, thank you - desktop computer is too old to adapt to the new software. I've known something like this was bound to happen sometime. I haven't been able to upgrade any of the search engines I use, and there are new programs I can't run on this machine. It's obviously time to get a new computer. Sigh. I always find the process of transferring important files takes time, and learning a new operating system and software can be frustrating. I'll manage, but it will take a bit of time.
The reason I'm telling you all this "tale of woe" is that it may turn out I have to create a completely new blog - new template, new look, new name, new URL address. I will keep my name in the title of the Blog, and am currently leaning toward "Creations by Kristie Foss." Blogger said in August that they would be switching everyone over to the new format in September. So, it is possible I will still be able to use this old format for a while. However, I have a feeling they will stop supporting the old program at some point - probably sooner rather than later.
So, this is a "heads up." If you visit this blog and notice that nothing is happening for a month or more, then you can assume I am in the process of getting a new computer, learning new operating systems and new software, and making a new blog. Please be patient and continue to do a Google search for Kristie Foss or Creations by Kristie Foss and see what comes up. I enjoy sharing what I'm doing, so I will continue to have a blog. It just may have a new name.
Thank you all for your comments and your viewings over the years. It's hard to believe I've been blogging for over 10 years! See you online - either here, or in a slightly newer "blog home."